Bascule Inc. created this experimental self-promotional banner ad to meet a request from MSN Japan.
The request was basically creating a banner ad featuring live movie - in order to raise the bar of banner advertisements.

- Live Advertisement
Dynamic, transient banner ad which makes people lined up to experience.

- Technical Richness
Something more than live movie casting - interactive communication with users as an addtional factor.

- In-house Enlightenment

Each staff at Bascule Inc. is to be a performer (i.e. content) for the ad.
Educate the staff about communication manners by forcing him/her to be in direct contact with users.
Marathon Gesture Game
We carried out the gesture game on the banner for 9 hours straight.
Our staff tries to tell something by his/her gesture performance on the banner.
Users(game participants) are to guess and answer what it is.

All the staff performed in rotation. Settling temporary studio with blue-background in the office lounge. Live broadcasting of the gesture performance.

Real-time composition between the performer and the the background along with the game progress. The image projected on the stage screen. The performaer has to change their gesture-performing strategies in accordance with the user response. Checking all the answers and feedback like "close", "in other words" or so as to lead them to the correct answer.

There were always people lined up trying to join the game. After all, almost 1500 users joined the game in 9 hours. Each users stayed on the banner for 5 minutes average.
During the game period, the traffic to the top page of MSN Japan was boosted as many vieweres tried to view the banner again and again.

The epoch-making experiment - the contents of the banner are live humans, moreover, interactive - was very succuessful.
We completed the 9 hours of gesture performances with few problems, as well as very few malicious users or harassing behaviors.
The percentage of questions answered correctly was 94.4% - which proves the fact that we were able to accomplish communication with the users quite successfully.

20 staff at Bascule Inc. performed for almost 600 questions over the 9 hours.
We were able to learn difficulties the delights of communication through the game, by directly communicating with users in real time, that is something we cannot do in our daily operatton.

[Bonus Movie : View all gesture play!]